Monday 11 November 2013

With You I Will Rise, With You I Will Live Again


              With You I Will Rise, With You I Will Live Again
    ( For the Filipinos after Haiyan)
Over the horizon, the skies darkened and the lights grew dim.
My faith faltered. Oh, I was greatly terrified, so it may seem.
Suddenly, the gushing winds ripped across my face causing my heart to race,
The torrents of rain pounded heavily on the shaking ground
And the palm trees quivered as I momentarily shivered.
Without warning, a deluge of raging sea waters came rushing in, crushing everything in its path.
Submerged under the deep murky waves I gasped and struggled to breath.
Engulfed in the darkness I pleaded; Oh Lord, Save me. Please help me find relief.
From the distance, the roaring winds carried the cries of anguish and sorrow.
I can only pray; Oh Lord, protect us until we see the light of tomorrow.
Standing on the wreckage my heart was torn, seeing my people so downcast and forlorn.
In a moment of hopelessness and desperation, I fell down on my knees in misery,
Flung my hands toward the heavens and wailed; Lord can you hear me?
Can you feel my pain?  Oh, Lord in my confusion help me to understand.
My tears have gone dry, my mouth parched and thirsty, my body have grown weak and so weary.
My frail heart was faintly beating, searching and hoping.
With a soul so broken and wounded, I   desperately longed for home.  My spirit grieved.
But, Dear Lord I believe that in this torment I was never alone and that you were always with me, patiently carrying me.
Please don’t let go of me now oh, Lord. Help me, help me stand up and overcome.
Heal my wounds and calm my heart. Let my soul find rest in you alone and restore the joy of my spirit.
With your scarred and mighty  hands Lord, lift me up, so I can rise from beneath the waters.
Then I shall see the sun shine over the horizon again.
 And in You I will live forever, in You I will have no fear of tomorrow.
Oh, Lord with You I will rise and with You I will live Again.
Yes, with You I will rise and with You I will live again.
Marie Nenuca - I am God's child and creation
Nov.11, 2013

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