Wednesday 14 November 2012


Lord Jesus, you are the maker of the universe high above all else.
Your beauty and splendor is reflected in the wonderful work of your hands.
We stand in awe of your greatness.

As we travelled on highway 63, home bound to Fort Mac, God displayed a splendid array of Art. He painted the Alberta skies with amazing, fiery colors we could never have imagined.

First, we saw a mist brewing ahead on the left side of the road. Thereafter, the sun was setting on the west, and the moon was rising on the east. So, as we gazed from either side of the vehicle we saw a magnificent view of God’s wondrous creation in action. God was intensely painting the sky.

As the afternoon progressed , a big rainbow appeared  making a halo for the moon that was rising in the east. It was breath taking.The clouds and the skies changed hues so many times. The colors were mesmerizing.

And as the night deepened the Aurora Boreales slowly started its formation in the sky.
The clouds danced and swirled gracefully . The white formation gradually turned into a
Yellow green color. The full moon’s brightness set the stage for the Aurora.
Then the Big Dipper appeared like a backdrop of jewels joining the show. Wow! There was a festival in the sky.

Amidst the darkness of the highway below, we stopped and staggered out of the vehicle entranced with God’s spectacular handiwork.

Oh, Lord your creation is so awesome. Who are we to deserve all these?


 Marie Nenuca - I am God's child and creation
Sept. 15, 2011

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